Jason Eppink's Catalogue of Creative Triumphs

The Watermelon Mafia aggressively distributed watermelon slices and brought glorious victory to Flux Factory in the second Battle for Mau Mau Island at the 100 boats of Battle Atoll – a full-day series of races in homemade vessels, battles on floating platforms, and free-form melees – organized by Swimming Cities in Jamaica Bay, Queens.


Vessel Task Force
Jean Barberis
Jason Eppink
Phuc Le
Adrian Owen
Julius Schmiedel
Angela Washko

Apparel Task Force
Georgia Muenster

Transport Task Force
Scott Hirst
John Humphrey
Captain Cullen Kasunic
Ingrid Staats

Produced by

Available in the following departments: Aesthetic Interventions, Contraptions, Interactive Experiences, Unauthorized Happenings
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